佛山英语怎么说(佛山 英语)
大家好,我是小前,我来为大家解答以上问题。佛山英语怎么说,佛山 英语很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、1, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, is located in the middle, and near the provincial capital of Guangzhou; covers an area of more than 3,800 square kilometers, population 360 million. 2, Foshan, extra mild climate, Pearl River through the whole territory of the two tributaries. 3, Foshan, a city of glory years of business, now located in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone , rapid economic development. 4, Foshan has a long history, many ancient temples and historic sites built; Foshan is a cultural city, is the Once Upon a Time, and Bruce Lee in the home. 佛山市位于广东省中部,与省会广州毗邻;占地面积超过3800平方千米,人口360多万。
2、 2、佛山气候温和多余,珠江(the Pearl River )的两个支流穿过全境。
3、 3、佛山是一个荣耀千年的商贸名城,现在位于珠江三角洲经济区(the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone),经济发展迅速。
4、 4、佛山历史悠久,有很多古时建造的寺庙和历史遗址;佛山是文化名城,是黄飞鸿和李小龙(Bruce Lee)的故乡。