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导读 大家好,我是小前,我来为大家解答以上问题。幼儿园园长对老师的感恩话语,幼师对园长的感恩语很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1...


1、Dear Principal,

2、We know it isn’e5a48de588b67a686964616f31333337396336t easy to run a school. You have to deal with parents,

3、teachers, students, contractors, school boards and the press. But you

4、handle it with class and determination. We are so glad you are our

5、principal. Our community thanks you.

6、Being principal can be a thankless job. Teachers, students and parents

7、all want different things. But you’ve taken our school up a notch

8、through your leadership and unwavering dedication. We want you to know

9、we’ve noticed. And we appreciate you.

10、As our principal, we’d like to invite you to take a day off for your

11、birthday. Let the assistant principal handle things just for a day. You

12、deserve a break. Go to a spa. Go to a movie. Or just sit and enjoy the

13、rare quiet you never get to hear at school. Thank you for all your hard

14、work and dedication.

