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导读 大家好,我是小前,我来为大家解答以上问题。睡美人的故事原文,睡美人的故事很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、Once there wa...


1、Once there was a Kingand a Queen. For many years they had wanted a child, and no child had come tothem.

2、Then the Queen had achild. It was a girl. The King was very glad.

3、You know what a fairyis. Many fairies lived near the King’s house. When the Queen’s child came, theKing went to all the fairies and said, “The Queen has a child. Do come tothe house and see our new little girl.” All the fairies said, “We arevery glad: we will come today .”

4、One of the fairies hadgone away on a journey: she had been very far away. She had not come back whenthe Queen’s child came. When she came back, one of the fairies said to her,“The Queen has a child, and the King came to us and said, ”Come andsee our new little girl. “”

5、But this fairy was abad fairy; the bad fairy said, “The King went to all of you: why did henot come to me? I shall go and see the King’s child; but I shall give her somebad thing.”

6、All the good fairieswent to the King’s house, and saw the little girl; and they all gave her somegood thing. One said, “I give her this good thing: she shall haveriches.” One fairy said, “I give her this good thing; she shallbecome a brave woman.” One said, “I give her this good thing: sheshall become a good woman.” All gave some good thing.

7、Then there came thebad fairy. She said, “The King went to all the fairies but he did not cometo me, so I shall give the child some bad thing. She will have riches; she willbecome brave; she will become good. But, when she is a woman, she will prick herhand with a needle, and die.”

8、The poor Queen did notknow what to do. The King said to the good fairies, “The poor girl shallnot die. Can you not help me? Say that she shall not die!” The goodfairies said, “ We cannot help you. What the bad fairy has said will come.Your child will prick her hand with a needle; but she shall not die. She shallsleep for many years. Then a king’s son shall come and kiss her. And she willawake. He shall wake her with a kiss.” Then the fairies went away.

9、The King sent for allhis men and all the Queen’s women, and said, “Go and bring me all theneedles that are in the house.”

10、They brought all theneedles that they could find, and the King took them, and threw them into ariver far away.

11、Then he said,“See that no needle comes into this house. See that no man and no womanbrings a needle near my child. I shall kill them if they do.”



